Сърфът - когато съм в морето се чувствам като капчица, която отново е част от голямото живо нещо. Едни от най-прекрасните ми истински преживявания са именно  там. Уиндсърфът е средство, което те учи да бъдеш силен, уверен и да цениш най-стойностните неща около теб.

Китарата -  музиката е универсалното средство за комуникация, отдръпване от всичко реално, нещо като малък магичен свят, където всеки детайл намира своето място.  

Обиците – изработени от прекрасен човек, подарени от най-близък приятел. Просто ми напомнят за всички красиви шарени хора, които обичам и които са около мен всеки ден. 


Книгата - когато приключенията ми не са достатъчни се появяват книгите, за да ме пренесат на различни места в различни реалности. След това вече има поне още едно място, което искам да посетя и мотивацията е все по-силна, защото прелиствайки страниците опознаваме света около нас и той вече не изглежда толкова голям!

Челникътсветлина в тъмнината (тук има малко метафора). Как да не ти стане любима вещ! :)

Чувалът - дава ми топлината и уюта, където и да съм, а аз обичам да съм на различни места сред природата 


People who experience dance as a feeling every single day from their life have different approach when it comes about teaching and learning the A-B of dance. One is sure music is the fuel. It tells you how to move, when to move, and what to express through movement.

The Bulgarian dance community had recently the opportunity to exchange knowledge with one of the most popular dancers from our neighboring country Romania – Mircea Ecxarcu. He shared with us his theory of dance and provoked the dancing people in Bulgaria to go deep in their feelings while dancing and listening to music.

You are about to discover how Mircea explains his connection with music and dance and what had he realized during his journey of self-expression as a dancer…

just continue reading…

Who’s Mircea?

I prefer being myself than talking about myself. But if I have to say something about me than I am Mircea, I live in Bucharest, and my passion is dance. Dance as an expression not a movement or mechanics. For me talking about myself is so useless. Let’s just enjoy ourselves and be ourselves! Anybody will get to know and feel me not because I will give him an explanation of myself but because I will be really present there.

How did you meet Halifix Crew and decided to come to Bulgaria for a workshop?

I met Halifix year and a half ago at SDK Romania 2013. I liked their energy and the fact that they didn’t want so much to do it to get somewhere but for the dance itself whatever dance was meaning for them back then. So, I got to know them better and talked to Mohata to come here and just train with them. I am here not for the workshops, I am here for the whole experience of understanding together what dance is.

Have you made other workshops outside Romania?

I did some in Poland but I do workshops mostly in Romania. You see I’m not that meeting kind of guy. If I see the match and I feel it then I do it but I am in this for it not for getting somewhere. 

You are coming from Romania. Tell us how did the hip hop scene there develop. Do you remember the dawn of street dance in Romania?

Basically we did a lot of crap. At least I felt that it was crap. Luckily I had the chance to meet face to face with real dance. This was the moment when I felt that dance will be my kind of self-expression and started discovering it for myself. Then I started building the basis of the real hip hop community in Bucharest. Before this there were some kind of competitions like imitate your favorite artist or the so called MTV dance. This was like almost 6 and a half years ago and I started to train a few people and then a few more and that’s how the community has grown.

And how did you start dancing?

I started doing some stuff at the age of 18 and then at 20 I met real dance and that’s when I started doing the real thing. The first time I met the real dance was at SDK Europe. There were people who were actually dancing and feeling. It was totally different from what I knew but so close to what I felt and boom that was the perfect match.

How did you discover SDK?

I actually judged an online competition in Romania and me as a judge and the winner both went to SDK. 

You’ve been a judge and a true competitor in battles. What is the key for staying cool in a battle according to you?

Key in everything to stay cool is be focused only on the music and the dance and don’t be focused on that voice in your head that keeps telling you – Do this, do that. So, it doesn’t matter where you are. When you dance, you dance. You should only be in that and be focused within that. So there should be no pressure cause you are not looking for something, you are just dancing.

And what is your training routine? How much do you spent in training?

I dance every day but training is not supposed to be just training mechanics of the body. You have to feel stuff within you, connect to the music within you, go deeper and deeper. There is a lot to tell here but connect with the music every day and even if you practice mechanics, practice them as a connection with the music not just as movement. When it comes about time - I am not the guy who goes on schedule cause I think it shouldn’t be forced. It should be present and aware of where you are and what you feel. But if I’m obliged to say, I practice between 2-3 hours a day and separated from this comes the self-discovery. This helps me feel more and be able to be more efficient. It’s like being able to connect to the seed of a tree, not just try to copy some leaves from the tree.

In this regard do you practice meditation techniques?

My life is not of a dancer, it is of a person who is doing his best to be himself and my expression takes the form of dancing. I believe that the activity of meditation doesn’t exist, but connecting to different frequencies of life is another thing. We do it by different mechanics and meditation is one of them. The mechanics could be anything from no movement to dancing or even walking.

You love the music that makes you do popping. Are there popping dancers who you admire?

It’s not about respecting dancers, it’s about the dance and being thankful and appreciating dance and being joyful whenever you meet someone who really dances. I like in house – Yugson, in popping I like Nelson, Kite, Hozin, Hoan. I like Joseph Go very much. 

Which is the track you are listening to most lately?

I don’t keep track of the songs I listen to. But my explanation of the favorite song phenomenon is this - each song is like a wave with different frequencies and when you dance and listen to music you connect to one of these frequencies. If in one moment in time your phase of being is open to certain frequencies and you suddenly hear to music with the same frequencies you immediately feel that you want to hear it again and again. 

And how did you understand this?

Well my life is living and connecting to life and if you manage to connect properly, life tells you everything you want to know. But you don’t care about the telling, you care about the living. Like in dance if you are able to dance, you don’t care about the knowing, even if you know it but if you are not able to dance, then you need something, you need to gather knowledge. So any person who actually dances he will enjoy and care about the dance not the things that he knows about dance. In life is the same. You don’t care about all the information that you have. If you live, you care about living.

What’s your opinion about the Bulgarian dancers and their feel of music?

They want the right stuff but there is too much information which is about dance and not about dancing. It’s very easy to get the wrong information. That’s why you shouldn’t make your choice based on the information that you get, but based on the dance that you see and feel. It’s like have you ever seen a 50-year-old man who dances even though he doesn’t know the steps and his dance is more dancing than that of many people who claim to be dancers.

What would you scream out loud if you had a loudspeaker?

I would go among a crowd and I won’t say anything cause if people listen to nothing may be at some time they will start hearing something and most of all start feeling something. Cause if I give you noise, you will never hear anything underneath the noise. But if you are attentive to silence, you will start hearing stuff.

I have to say that after this philosophical talk I was left with no words. I just needed to experience everything that Mircea said by myself. And I truly believe that everybody who was present at the discussion and the workshops afterwards felt the same way.

I'd really like to say a big THANK YOU to Atanas Kutsev who made those truly professional photos. You could find more beauty coming from his camera here:


I'd also like to thank Dimitar Zhelev and Halifix Crew for the support and the enthusiasm with which they accepted my idea for this interview. Thank you!

Stay tuned!!!


Ето, че се случи! Най-после след дълъг застой и прозявки street dance обществото в София отново се събра, за да премери сили и да обмени движения на Urban All Style Battle. И докато са още пресни спомените, нека направим разбор на случилото се:

Не един или двама лежаха в поза „търкам подове всякакви“.

Мацките показаха завиден напредък в Waacking-a, който до съвсем скоро беше познат само за малцина.

Bboy Flash доказа, че място под слънцето на All Style батъли откриват и bboys.

Атмосферата беше повече от приятелска, a Soul Train усещането бе особено доловимо в почивките между рундовете.

Диджейът като по чудо имаше идея за какво става дума и с изключение на няколко малки гафа се справи добре с отговорната задача да пускаш музика на танцьори.

Журито призна, че нивото на танцьорите макар и с малко се е вдигнало. Ура! Светлина в тунела има.

Jimmyboy взе батъла на попинг мускули.

А хаусът – е, за него сякаш още не сме готови!

И така до следващото събитие... Всички се надяваме то да е скоро и между другото в София на гости на HalifixCrew е Mircea от Румъния.

Очаквайте интервю с него скоро на страниците на The Loudspeakr!

Stay tuned