Institute of Astronomy

The Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory carries out fundamental research in astronomy and astrophysics, as well as education of specialists and graduate students in this area.

The Institute of Astronomy operates two modern observatories for astronomical observations and research - The National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) Rozhen (Contacts and Visits - call 0879 504 452) and Astronomical Observatory (AO) in Belogradchik.


Institute of Astronomy

The Institute performs fundamental astrophysical research

The Institute of Astronomy carries out fundamental research in astronomy and astrophysics, as well as education of specialists and graduate students in this area.


National Astronomical Observatory - Rozhen

Situated in the Rhodope Mountains

National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) – Rozhen is situated in the Rhodope Mountains at 1750 m altitude. The astronomical observatory is the biggest one-time Bulgarian investment in scientific infrastructure and a leading astronomical center in the South-East Europe.


Belogradchik Observatory

The Observatory performs fundamental astronomical and astrophysical research

The observatory was built in 1961 by a group of asrtronomy enthusiasts. Since 1976 Astronomical Observatory Belogradchik was observational base of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


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Bulgarian Astronomical Journal

Bulgarian Astronomical Journal publishes scientific articles in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics.

Astronomical Calendar

Astronomical Calendar

The astronomical calendar of the Institute of Astronomy contains information about various astronomical phenomena during the year.

racio site


Regional astronomical center for research and education is consortium between the three leading astronomical institutions in Bulgaria.

Wide-Field Plate Database

Wide-Field Plate Database

The Wide-Field Plate Database contains the descriptive information for the professional astronomical wide-field (>1°) photographic observations stored in numerous archives all over the world.



The state-of-the-art LOFAR telescope is unique in its ability to observe much of the sky and to be used to explore many different phenomena, unlike traditional optical telescopes.



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1784 Sofia,

+359 2 9741910

+359 2 9741910